Price: $149.99
"Disney's 2009 animated film ""The Princess and the Frog"" introduced Disney's first-ever African-American princess, charming young and old alike. Now we're delighted to offer the Princess Tiana doll as an exquisite Ashton-Drake Disney Princess collector treasure! Relive Tiana's romantic fantasy as she's swept off her feet (and into the French Quarter) by her dark and handsome prince, with this fully articulated doll for endless posing possibilities that is beautifully costumed!This must-have The Princess and The Frog collectible is handcrafted in vinyl and expertly hand-painted to capture Tiana's expressive, lovely face. Full articulation allows you to pose this 12"" masterpiece in a multitude of graceful poses. Her couture-inspired blue gown from the film is fashioned with the finest materials and enhanced with FREE accessories that include her exquisite tiara, sparkling earrings and necklace and over-the-elbow formal gloves. This stunning Disney Princess doll is sure to be in high demand, so if you want to add her to your collection, hop to it and order today!A fine collectible, not intended for children."
Buy "Disney ""Princess Tiana In Blue Ballgown"" Articulated Fashion Doll"